The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher
Denberg,M., Arvin,E. & Hassager,O. (2007): Modelling of the release of organic compounds from poyethylene pipes to water. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, 56, 435-443.
Hinsby,K., Højberg,A.L., Engesgaard,P., Jensen,K.H., Larsen,F., Plummer,L.N. & Busenberg,E. (2007): Transport and degradation of chlorofluorocarbonas (CFCs) in the pyritic Rabis Creek aquifer, Denmark. Water Resources Research, 43, W10423-1-W10423-15.
Macdonald,R., Karup-Møller,S. & Rose-Hansen,J. (2007): Astrophyllite-group minerals from the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland (contribution to the mineralogy of Ilímaussaq no. 123). Mineralogical Magazine, 71, 1-16.
Mayer,P., Fernqvist,M.M., Christensen,P.S., Karlson,U. & Trapp,S. (2007): Enhanced diffusion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in artificial and natural aqueous solutions. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 6148-6155.
Molenaar,N., Cyziene,J. & Sliaupa,S. (2007): Quartz cementation mechanisms and porosity variation in Baltic Cambrian sandstones. Sedimentary Geology, 195, 135-159.