PhD Defence, Eléonore Alisée Sarah Pierrat
Eléonore Alisée Sarah Pierrat will defend her thesis “Life Cycle Assessment in Aviation: Focus on Freshwater Use” on Monday, 7 November 2022, at 13:00 in Building 115, Meeting Room 007.
Principal supervisor:
Professor Michael Zwicky Hauschild, DTU Sustain
Associate Professor Alexis Laurent, DTU Sustain
Associate Professor Martin Rygaard, DTU Sustain
Professor Olivier Jolliet DTU Sustain, Lyngby, Denmark
Professor Marc Bierkens, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Scientific Officer Serenella Sala, European Commision Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy
Chairperson at defence
Senior Researcher, Mikolaj Owsianiak, DTU Environment
A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department.
After the defence, there will be a reception in Building 424, Room 221. All are welcome to attend