
DTU Sustain has a long tradition of collaborating with private companies and public institutions (government agencies, regions, municipalities, etc.). The department works with applied research and strives to integrate innovation in all its activities.

Research projects

DTU Sustain has an extensive collaboration with private companies and public institutions on research projects financed by funding from the Commission of the European Union, the Danish Innovation Foundation, governmental agencies, regions, research foundations, industry, international organisations etc.

Collaboration projects

DTU Sustain collaborates with external partners on research and development projects within the department’s focus areas, where the project is co-funded by the external partner and the department. The external partner and DTU Sustain maintain the IPR to their respective contributions to new knowledge and can publish the results.

Consultancy assistance

If a company wants DTU Sustain to participate in a research and development project, where the IPR stays with the company, the work will be categorised as consultancy assistance. DTU Sustain only enters agreements which have a scientific relevance related to the department's focus areas, and only if the task is not better solved by consulting companies.

Scientific advice

Research-based consultancy covers all types of tasks DTU performs for public authorities such as ministries, governmental agencies, regions and municipalities as well as international institutions and organisations. Tasks cover risk assessments, monitoring, mapping and contributing to responses tor §20-questions.

Student projects

Many BSc and MSc students make projects over a specific topic as specialised course - often in collaboration with companies. Both Danish and foreign students can take part in the project, and the project work can be done in Denmark as well as abroad. Companies and institutions are welcome to contact DTU Sustain with suggestions for future shared student projects.


A large part of DTU Sustain’s research is experimental and we host outstanding laboratory and test facilities that support our research, innovation, and teaching. Some facilities are available to the industry.

More information about laboratories

You can visit DTU Sustain as an unpaid guest researcher after prior agreement with one of the department’s scientific staff.

DTU offers our international guest researchers and guest PhD students assistance with administrative, practical, and cultural issues before and after arrival. This includes the process for work and residence permit/EU residence document. Please note that you must have received a Master's degree in order be considered a guest researcher.

If you are going to visit DTU Sustain for at least 14 days, please use the online guest registration form.


Head of Innovation