PhD Defence, Eldbjørg Blikra Vea

PhD Defence, Eldbjørg Blikra Vea


08. mar 09:00 - 12:00


DTU Lyngby Campus
Building 112, Room 002+004


DTU Sustain

PhD defence

PhD Defence, Eldbjørg Blikra Vea

PhD Student Eldbjørg Blikra Vea will defend her thesis “Spatial and absolute environmental sustainability assessment with a focus on marine eutrophication” on Friday March 8th at 09:00

Principal supervisor:
Professor Michael Z. Hauschild, DTU Sustain

Assistant Professor Anders Bjørn, DTU Sustain
Professor Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen

Professor Olivier Jolliet, DTU Sustain
Professor Francesca Verones, NTNU, N
Associate Professor Andrew Henderson,
Ecole de Technologie Superieur Montreal, CA

Chairperson at the defence:
Associate Professor Anders Damgaard, DTU Sustain

You can follow the defence online

A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department