PhD defence
PhD Defence, “Data Availability and Application of Plastic Additive Flows in LCAs of Plastics for the Circular Economy”
PhD Student Heather Logan will defend her thesis on Monday June 24th at 13:00
Principal supervisor:
Associate Professor Anders Damgaard, DTU Sustain
Professor Steven DeMeester, University of Gent, Belgium
Associate Professor Alexis Laurent, DTU Sustain
Associate Professor Steffen Foss Hansen, DTU Sustain
Professor Michael Z. Hauschild, DTU Sustain
Dr. Alessio Boldrin, QUANTIS, Switzerland
Associate Professor Erik Paredis, University of Gent, Belgium
Chairperson at the defence:
Senior Researcher Nanna Hartmann, DTU Sustain
You can follow the defense online
A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department