Professor Jixin Qiao's Inaugural Lecture

Professor Jixin Qiao's Inaugural Lecture


05. dec 2024 15:00 - 17:00


DTU Lyngby Campus,
Meeting Room 1,
Building 101, 1st Floor


DTU Sustain

Inaugural Lecture

Professor Jixin Qiao's Inaugural Lecture

Inaugural Lecture: Jixin Qiao debuts her environmental radioactivity lecture at DTU's head building!

On Thursday the 5th of December 2024, from 15:00 to 17:00, Professor Jixin Qiao will give her inaugural lecture as professor at DTU Sustain, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering.

Professor Jixin Qiao will present “From Risk to Resource: How Environmental Radioactivity Shapes Science and Society”.

DTU Sustain invites everybody to this lecture  and the subsequent reception!