PhD Defence Julius Nielsen

PhD Defence Julius Nielsen


12. jun 2023 14:00 - 17:00


Lyngby Campus
Technical University of Denmark
Building 116, Aud. 81


DTU Sustain

PhD Defence Julius Nielsen

Julius Nielsen will defend his thesis “Modelling and Analysis of Pavements with Asphalt Reinforcement” on Monday, June 12th 2023, at 14:00

Principal Supervisor: Professor Eyal Levenberg, DTU Sustain
Co-supervisors: Klavs Olsen, Head Engineer European Pavement, S&P Reinforcement Nordic ApS
Assistant Professor Asmus Skar, DTU Sustain


Associate Professor Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen, DTU Sustain, DK
Professor Shelley Marie Stoffels, Pennsylvania State University, US
Professor Sigurður Erlingsson, University of Iceland, IS

Chairperson at the defence:

Associate Professor Irene Rocchi - DTU Sustain

A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department