Lyngby Campus
On the Lyngby Campus is DTU Sustain located in buildings 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 128, 129, 402, and 412

DTU Sustain
Bygningstorvet, building 115
2800 Lyngby
Tlf. (+45) 45 25 21 83
The main campus of DTU is located in Lyngby 15 km north of Copenhagen. You can reach the main campus by car or by public transportation. Several busses cross or pass the campus area and Lyngby Station is just 2 km away with even more bus connections.
There are trains or Metro every 2-10 minutes from Copenhagen Airport which stops at the main stations of Copenhagen: Nørreport, Østerport, Vesterport and Copenhagen Central Station where you can change to one of the busses to DTU.
Plan your journey with public transport using the Journey Planer or Google Maps.
By Taxi:
DanTaxi tlf. (+45) 48 48 48 48
Taxa 4x35 tlf. (+45) 35 35 35 35
Map of DTU Campus Lyngby