CO2NSTRUCT project kick-off


CO2NSTRUCT project kick-off


22. jun 2022 13:00 - 14:30


Online participation


DTU Sustain


Ana Teresa Macas Lima


CO2NSTRUCT project kick-off

Join us and learn about how circular economy practices in the construction sector can reshape climate change scenarios when we launch the new EU Horizon project CO2NSTRUCT

Materials play a key role in the transition from linear to circular construction, but current climate mitigation models cannot account for materials’ circularity. CO2NSTRUCT has set out to identify, test, and quantify circular economy impacts for climate mitigation modelling for six key carbon intensive materials: cement, steel, brick, glass, wood, and insulation materials. We need extensive data on the impacts of the extraction of raw materials, logistic, transformation, and consumer industries covering the whole life cycle of these materials.

At this online kickoff event, the project partners give a short run-through of the aims and ambitions of the project.

The project consortium

The consortium behind the project brings together world-leading experts and researchers of complementary expertise in civil engineering and construction materials, circular economy, and climate mitigation modelling. The consortium includes researchers from:

  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving Foundation
  • Ruhr University Bochum
  • University of Sheffield
  • National Laboratory for Energy and Geology
  • Centro de investigaciones energeticas medioambientales y tecnologicas
  • University of Pisa




13:00 Conference Opening
Claus Hélix-Nielsen, Head of Department, DTU Sustain
Ana T. Lima, Project Coordinator, DTU Sustain

13:10 Introducing CO2NSTRUCT, Construction materials 
Ana T. Lima, DTU Sustain (Denmark)

13:20 Climate energy mitigation models
Sofia Simões, LNEG (Portugal)

13:30 Water scarcity footprint/Carbon storage in building materials 
Hans Dürr and Simon Slabik, RUB (Germany)

13:40 Citizen and stakeholder engagement – Social-economic indicators
Theni Oikonomou and Spyros Karytsas, CRES (Greece)

13:50 LCAs and embodied energy of materials
Israel Herrera Orozco, CIEMAT (Spain)

14:00 Is Circular also Sustainable? The risk of rebound effects 
Andrea Genovese, USFD (UK)

14:10 Joining dots in circle: managing Supply and Value Chains in Circular Economy 
Davide Aloini and Pierluigi Zerbino, UNIPI (Italy)

14:20 Questions to the panelists

14:30 End of online meeting


Ana Teresa Lima

Ana Teresa Lima Seniorforsker Institut for Miljø- og Ressourceteknologi Telefon: 45251893