PhD Defence, Emilie Patricia Dam-Krogh

PhD Defence, Emilie Patricia Dam-Krogh


13. sep 2024 13:00 - 16:00


Technical University of Denmark
DTU Lyngby Campus
Building 101, Room S09

PhD Defence, Emilie Patricia Dam-Krogh

Emilie Patricia Dam-Krogh will defend her thesis “Benchmarking the indoor environment in office buildings - characterisation, synthesis and practical application” on Friday September 13th 2024, at 13:00

Principal Supervisor:
Professor Jørn Toftum, DTU Sustain

Professor Geo Clausen, DTU Sustain

Associate Professor Gabriel Bekö, DTU Sustain
Professor Runa Hellwig, Technical University of Berlin, D
Dr. Corinne Mandin, Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, F
Chairperson at the defence:
Associate Professor Ongun Berk Kazanci, DTU Sustain


You can follow the defence online. 

A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department