PhD Defence Valentina Pusateri

PhD Defence Valentina Pusateri


30. jan 13:00 - 16:00


DTU Lyngby Campus
Building 112, Room 002+004


DTU Sustain

PhD Defence Valentina Pusateri

PhD Student Valentina Pusateri will defend her thesis on Thursday January 30th 2025, at 13:00

Principal Supervisor:
Associate Professor Stig Irving Olsen, DTU Sustain
Professor Michael Z. Hauschild, DTU Sustain
Senior Researcher Mikołaj Owsianiak, DTU Sustain


Professor Alexis Laurent, DTU Sustain
Associate Professor Mélanie Despeisse, Chalmers Uni. of Technology, SE
Professor Natacha Gondran, Mines Saint-Etienne, France

Chairperson at the defence:
Associate Professor Ricardo Gabbay de Souza, DTU Sustain

You can follow the defence online