PhD Defence, Judith Yvonne Aline Maréchal, Thursday 2 February 2023 at 13.00 Greenlandic time

PhD Defence, Judith Yvonne Aline Maréchal, Thursday 2 February 2023 at 13.00 Greenlandic time


02. feb 2023 13:00 - 16:00


Arctic DTU Sisimiut
Siimuup Aqqutaa 32, B 1280, Sisimiut
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Note: The defence is at 13.00 Greenlandic time (17.00 Danish time).


DTU Sustain


PhD Defence, Judith Yvonne Aline Maréchal, Thursday 2 February 2023 at 13.00 Greenlandic time

Judith Yvonne Aline Maréchal will defend her thesis “Water supply in rural Greenland, in Support of Public Health”

Principal Supervisor: Associate Professor Pernille Erland Jensen, DTU Sustain
Co Supervisor: Associate Professor Kåre Hendriksen , DTU Construct
Co Supervisor: Professor Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen, DTU Food
Co Supervisor: Professor Anders Koch, Center for Health Research, Ilisimatusarfik , University of Greenland

Senior Scientist Heidi Amlund, DTU Food, Lyngby, Denmark
Assistant Professor Sherilee Harper, School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Canada
Landslæge i Grønland Henrik L. Hansen, Landslægeembedet , Grønland

Chairperson at the defence:
Associate Professor Martin Kotol , DTU Construct

Note: The defence is at 13.00 Greenlandic time (17.00 Danish time).