PhD Defence Mia Heide
PhD Student Mia Heide will defend her thesis “Operationalisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Absolute Sustainability Assessments of the Building Industry in Denmark” on Thursday, September 14th at 13:00
Principal Supervisor: Professor Michael Z. Hauschild, DTU Sustain
Co-supervisors: Group CEO Mads Søndergaard, NIRAS
Expertise manager Christian Eriksen, NIRAS
Postdoc Anders Bjørn, DTU Sustain
Associate Professor Alexis Laurent, DTU Sustain
Professor Dan Banik, University of Oslo, NO
Professor Harpa Birgisdottir, Aalborg University, DK
Chairperson at the defence:
Associate Professor Stig Irving Olsen, DTU Sustain
A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department