PhD Defence - Axel Heimann

Axel Heimann will defend his Ph.d. thesis with the title "Bioenergetics of transient and steady-state anaerobic redox processes relevant to groundwater contamination" on the 11th May, 2007 at 14:00 in bldg. 113, room 011

The research was conducted at the Department of Evironmental Engineering (DTU Environment), Technical University of Denmark (DTU).


Main supervisor:

Associate Professor Rasmus Jakobsen, Department of Evironmental Engineering, DTU



Senior Research Scientist Robert A. Sanford, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Assocciate Professor Bo Thamdrup, University of Southern Denmark

Proffessor Barth F. Smets, Department of Evironmental Engineering, DTU



Professor Dieke Postma, Department of Evironmental Engineering, DTU


Everybody is welcome