The Latest ISI Publications

The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher

Korsgaard,L. & Schou,J.S. (2010): Economic valuation of aquatic ecosystem services in developing countries.  Water Policy, 12, 20-31.

Arnbjerg-Nielsen,K. & Feischer,H.S. (2009): Feasible adaptation strategies for increased risk of flooding in cities due to climate change.  Water Science and Technology, 60, (2), 273-281.

Denberg,M., Mosbæk,H., Hassager,O. & Arvin,E. (2009): Determination of the concentration profile and homogeneity of antioxidants and degradation products in a cross-linked polyethylene type A (PEXa) pipe.  Polymer Testing, 28, 378-385.

Merrild,H. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Recycling of wood for particle board production: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions.  Waste Management and Research, 27, 781-788.

O'connell,D.W., Jensen,M.M., Thamdrup,B., Jakobsen,R., Koch,C.B., Postma,D. & Hansen,H.C.B. (2009): Biogeochemistry of electron transfer at the iron oxide-solution interface in sediments.  Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 73, (13 (Supplement)), A958.

Scheutz,C., Pedersen,G.B., Costa,G. & Kjeldsen,P. (2009): Biodegradation of Methane and Halocarbons in Simulated Landfill Biocover Systems Containing Compost Materials.  Journal of Environmental Quality, 48, 1363-1371.

Seoane,J., Sin,G., Lardon,L., Gernaey,K.V. & Smets,B.F. (2009): A New Extant Respirometric Assay to Estimate Intrinsic Growth Parameters Applied to Study Plasmid Metabolic Burden.  Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 105, 141-149.

Zhao,C., O-Thong,S., Karakashev,D., Angelidaki,I., Lu,W. & Wang,H. (2009): High yield simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production under extreme-thermophilic (70 degree C) mixed culture environment.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 5657-5665.