DTU Environment Microbiology Research makes the Cover!

A micrographic image taken by Akihiko Terada and collaborators at DTU Environment is gracing the cover of the October 2010 issue of the journal “Environmental Microbiology”. A micrographic image taken by Akihiko Terada and collaborators at DTU Environment is gracing the cover of the October 2010 issue of the journal “Environmental Microbiology”.  See the cover here

Environmental Microbiology is one of the leading journals in the field of microbiology (IF 4.909). In the image, Terada and collaborators, show using a combination of in situ hybridization and confocal scanning laser microscopy, how the population structure of ammonium oxidizing bacteria in a biofilm reactor can be dramatically affected by inoculums effects. These findings have wide implications for the control of bioreactors for nitritation. 

Complete details can be found in the manuscript published in the same issue.

Terada,A., Lackner,S., Kristensen,K. & Smets,B.F. (2010): Inoculum effects on community composition and nitritation performance of autotrophic nitrifying biofilm reactors with counter-diffusion geometry.  Environmental Microbiology, doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02267.x (In press). (Published online - early view).