The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher
Astrup,T., Møller,J. & Fruergaard,T. (2009): Incineration and co-combustion of waste: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research , 27, 789-799.
Astrup,T., Fruergaard,T. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Recycling of plastic: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 763-772.
Boldrin,A., Andersen,J.K., Møller,J., Christensen,T.H. & Favoino,E. (2009): Composting and compost utilization: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 800-812.
Christensen,T.H., Gentil,E., Boldrin,A., Larsen,A.W., Weidema,B.P. & Hauschild,M.Z. (2009): C balance, carbon dioxide emissions and global warming potentials in LCA-modeling of waste management systems. Waste Management and Research, 27, 707-715.
Christensen,T.H. (2009): Why a special issue of greenhouse gas accounting in waste management? - Preface. Waste Management and Research, 27, 694-695.
Damgaard,A., Larsen,A.W. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Recycling of metals: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 773-780.
Eisted,R., Larsen,QA.W. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Collection, transfer and transport of waste: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contribution. Waste Management and Research, 27, 738-745.
Fruergaard,T. & Astrup,T. (2009): Energy use and recovery in waste management and implications for accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 724-737.
Gentil,E., Christensen,T.H. & Aostin,E. (2009): Greenhouse gas accounting and waste management. Waste Management and Research, 27, 696-706.
Larsen,A.W., Merrild,H. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Recycling of glass: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 754-762.
Manfredi,S., Tonini,D., Christensen,T.H. & Scharff,H. (2009): Landfilling of waste: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 825-836.
Merrild,H., Damgaard,A. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Recycling of paper: Accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research, 27, 746-753.
Møller,J., Boldrin,A. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contribution. Waste Management and Research, 27, 813-824.
Scheutz,C., Kjeldsen,P. & Gentil,E. (2009): Greenhouse gases, radiative forcing, global warming potential and waste management – an introduction. Waste Management and Research, 27, 716-723.