PhD Defence - Ellinor Lindberg

Ellinor Lindberg will defend her PhD project  with the title " Detection and quantification of subsurface pesticide degrading microbial populations" 1st March, 2007 in bldg. 113, room 011 at 13.30

The project  was conducted at the Department of Evironmental Engineering (DTU Environment), Technical University of Denmark (DTU)


Lektor Hans-Jørgen Albrechtsen

Lektor Jens Ejbye Schmidt

External supervisors:

Professor Carsten S. Jacobsen, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland


Researcher (1st class), PhD, Fabrice Martin-Laurent, INRA, France

Associate Professor Ole Nybroe, Department of Ecology, University of Copenhagen

Professor Poul L. Bjerg, Environment & Resources, DTU


Professor Barth F. Smets, Environment & Resources, DTU