The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher
Birgisdóttir,H., Gamst,J. & Christensen,T.H. (2007): Leaching of PAHs from hot mix asphalt pavements. Environmental Engineering Science, 24, 1409-1421.
Hansen,S.F., Carlsen,L. & Tickner,J.A. (2007): Chemicals regulation and precaution: does REACH really incorporate the precautionary principle. Environmental Science and Policy, 10, 395-404.
Heimann,A.C., Blodau,C., Postma,D., Larsen,F., Viet,P.H., Nhan,P.Q., Jessen,S., Duc,M.T., Hue,N.T.M. & Jakobsen,R. (2007): Hydrogen thresholds and steady-state concentrations associated with microbial arsenate respiration. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 2311-2317.
Jakobsen,R. & Cold,L. (2007): Geochemistry at the sulfate redcuction-methanogenesis transition zone in an anoxic aquifer - A partial equilibrium interpretation using 2D reactive transport modeling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 1949-1966.
Ngo,L.L., Madsen,H. & Rosbjerg,D. (2007): Simulation and optimisation modelling approach for operation of the Hoa Bin Reservoir, Vietnam. Journal of Hydrology, 336, 269-281.