I anledning af Peter Bauer-Gottweins udnævnelse til professor inden for
hydrologi og vandressourceforvaltning inviterer DTU Miljø onsdag den 14. december
til tiltrædelsesforelæsning kl. 15 med efterfølgende reception kl. 16.
Titlen på tiltrædelsesforelæsningen er: Observing, Predicting and Managing Water at Regional Scales
DTU, Anker Engelundsvej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Sustainability of freshwater use and changes in the natural hydrologic cycle are issues of global concern. Agriculture, power systems, industry, cities and ecosystems all critically depend on freshwater. Water scarcity and transboundary water conflicts can have severe economic consequences and destabilize entire countries. A combination of new observation technology, reliable simulation models and economic incentives can help mitigate regional water crises and ensure sustainable use of the world’s most important natural resource.
This lecture explores recent progress in monitoring and observation technology for regional freshwater systems, and shows how such data can be combined with simulation and optimization models to support management and decision making.