Luca Vezzaro, PhD student at DTU Environment, was granted the “UDM Young Researcher Paper Award” at 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling held in Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 September 2009 for the paper “Modelling removal of micropollutants in stormwater treatment systems”, co-authored by E. Eriksson, A. Ledin and P.S. Mikkelsen
Two other young researchers also received the award, H. Kashmin from Sheffield University, UK for the paper “Towards a generic rainfall-runoff model for green roofs” (co-authored by V. Stovin) and R. Sitzenfrei, Innsbruck University, who authored the overall winning paper titled “A multi-layer cellular automata approach for algorithmic generation of virtual urban water systems – VIBe” (co-authored by S. Fach, H. Kinzel and W. Rauch)