Luca Vezzaro granted the UDM Young Researcher Paper Award

Luca Vezzaro, PhD student at DTU Environment, was granted the “UDM Young Researcher Paper Award” at 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling held in Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 September 2009 for the paper “Modelling removal of micropollutants in stormwater treatment systems”, co-authored by E. Eriksson, A. Ledin and P.S. Mikkelsen
Two other young researchers also received the award, H. Kashmin from Sheffield University, UK for the paper “Towards a generic rainfall-runoff model for green roofs” (co-authored by V. Stovin) and R. Sitzenfrei, Innsbruck University, who authored the overall winning paper titled “A multi-layer cellular automata approach for algorithmic generation of virtual urban water systems – VIBe” (co-authored by S. Fach, H. Kinzel and W. Rauch)