Tinh Dang Nguyen will defend his PhD project with the title "Coping with drought in the central highlands - Vietnam " on the 24th October, 2006 in bldg. 113, room 011 at 14.00
The project with the title "Coping with drought in the central highlands - Vietnam " was conducted at the Department of Evironmental Engineering (DTU Environment), Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Professor Dan Rosbjerg, DTU Environment, DTU
External supervisors:
Assoc. Prof. Cintia Uvo, Lund University
Assoc. Prof. Kim Quang Nguyen, Hanoi Water Resources University
Professor Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz, Poland
Professor Andreas H. Schumann, Germany
Assocociate Professor Peter Steen Mikkelsen, DTU Environment, DTU
Associate Professor Peter Bauer-Gottwein, DTU Environment, DTU
Everybody is welcome.