The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher
Christensen,A.M., Markussen,B., Baun,A. & Halling-Sørensen,B. (2009): Probabilistic environmental risk characterization of pharmaceuticals in sewage treatment plant discharges. Chemosphere, 77, 351-358.
Christensen,T.H., Simion,F., Tonini,D. & Møller,J. (2009): Global warming factors modelled for 40 generic municipal waste management scenarios. Waste Management and Research, 27, 871-884.
Gentil,E., Clavreul,J. & Christensen,T.H. (2009): Global warming factor of municipal solid waste management in Europe. Waste Management and Research, 27, 850-860.
Larsen,A.N., Gregersen,I.B., Christensen,O.B., Linde,J.J. & Mikkelsen,P.S. (2009): Potential future increase in extreme one-hour precipitation events over Europe due to climate change. Water Science and Technology, 60, (9), 2005-2016.