The Latest ISI Publication

The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher

Eriksson,E., Christensen,N., Schmidt,J.E. & Ledin,A. (2008): Potential priority pollutants in sewage sludge.  Desalination, 226, 371-388.


Genc-Fuhrman,H., Wu,P., Zhou,Y. & Ledin,A. (2008): Removal of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn from polluted water using an iron based sorbent.  Desalination, 226, 357-370.


Fabricius,I.L. (2007): Chalk: composition, diagenesis and physical properties.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 45, 97-128.


Hønning,J., Broholm,M.M. & Bjerg,P.L. (2007): Role of diffusion in chemical oxidation of PCE in a dual permeability system.  Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 8426-8432.


Jakobsen,R. (2007): Redox microniches in groundwater: A model study on the geometric and kinetic conditions required for concomitant Fe oxide reduction, sulfate  reduction, and methanogenesis.  Water Resources Research, 43, W12S12-1-W12S12/11.