The latest ISI publications authored/co-authored by an DTU Environment researcher
Hansen,S.F., Krayer von Krauss,M. & Tickner,J.A. (2007): Response to "Regulatory false positives: True, false or uncertain?". Risk Analysis, 27, 1087-1089.
Hansen,T.L., Jansen,J.l.C., Spliid,H., Davidsson,Å. & Christensen,T.H. (2007): Composition of source-sorted municipal organic waste collected in Danish cities. Waste Management, 27, 510-518.
Matsumoto,S., Terada,A. & Tsuneda,S. (2007): Modeling of membrane-aerated biofilm: Effects of C/N ratio, biofilm thickness and surface loading of oxygen on feasibility of simultaneous nitrification and deneitrification. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 37 , 98-107.
Scheutz,C., Fredenslund,A.M. & Kjeldsen,P. (2007): Release of fluorocarbons from insulation foam in home ppliances during Ahredding. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 57, 1452-1460.
Zeuthen,J.H., Pedersen,A.J., Hansen,J., Frandsen,F.J., Livbjerg,H., Riber,C. & Astrup,T. (2007): Combustion aerosols from municipal waste incineration - effect of fuel feedstock and plant operation. Combustion Sicence and Technology, 179, 2171-2198.